MBA: Developing Visionary Leaders of Tomorrow

CHF29,103 has been raised from 54 donors.

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MBA scholarships: Help Develop Visionary Leaders of Tomorrow

You can help the world’s brightest MBA candidates reach their full potential as reflective, responsible leaders ready to tackle tomorrow’s challenges.

"We know that it takes a village to raise a child. At IMD we discover that we are creating a new village - one that is shaped by the care and support we show one another, as future leaders, as friends, and as IMD Alumni. Never more has the world needed great leaders. Let us move forward and nurture the villages we belong to today and those we’ll join in the future.”

Siya Xabanisa, MBA 2023, Scholarship recipient

The IMD MBA is a top-ranking, one-year, personalized and experiential learning journey. It equips bright, open-minded individuals not only with key business knowledge but also with reflective, responsible leadership skills. Ensuring the brightest candidates from the world-over can access this opportunity is essential.

That’s why your donations for MBA scholarships this Giving Day are so important. You can empower MBA students like Siya to excel, and drive future impact across business, organizations and society. Your gifts will ensure that each participant can unlock their potential through the wealth of diverse perspectives in the classroom - a wealth of perspectives made possible through scholarships.

This Giving Day, you - the pioneering IMD community - can come together to nurture outstanding leaders, and equip them to take on the challenges of our fast-paced, evolving world.

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9 months, 1 week ago
An anonymous donor donated CHF500.00
9 months, 1 week ago
An anonymous donor donated CHF250.00
9 months, 1 week ago
An anonymous donor donated CHF100.00
9 months, 1 week ago
Mohammed Mustapha BINTUBE donated
9 months, 1 week ago
An anonymous donor donated CHF100.00
9 months, 1 week ago
Bruno Portnoi donated CHF250.00